Our hope is to encounter the living God, to meet with Jesus. This can happen anywhere, but we pray it would happen during each and every worship service at Embrace. Services are often the starting point for our relationship with Jesus. Because of this, we always consider the first-time guest, while challenging the person who’s been following Jesus for years. We want everyone to encounter the living God during each service.
No matter who you are, where you've been, or where you're going, God welcomes you with compassion. He meets you right where you are. Our hope is to do the same! From the person who has attended for years to the new face who feels unworthy of God’s love, everyone is received with compassion. You are welcome here.
God loves us right where we are and yet He wants to change us. When God embraces us, we can no longer remain the same. We're called to take the next step with Jesus to continue growing in our relationship with him. Joining a group. Serving. Becoming more like Jesus. Embrace your next step.
Our relationship with Jesus doesn't end when a worship service or group does. Instead of staying inside the walls of the church, we get moving. We lead. We serve. We forgive. We love. We multiply. We run to the people and the world around us in hopes of reaching people for Jesus.
Embrace was created with your family, friends, and neighbors in mind! Inviting is central to who we are, and the single best way to introduce someone to the vision God has called us to and the gospel of Jesus.
Our money is something Jesus, certainly, didn’t ignore. We believe our overall spiritual growth is deeply impacted by how we grow in our generosity. Follow the link to our secure giving platform and follow the simple steps to set up what we like to call: “Automatic Faithfulness.”
We want to create a space for you to find your people.
Large groups
Bible Studies
Serving is an essential part of how we gather differently at Embrace. Through volunteering, you'll get to meet new people, utilize your unique abilities (Yes, you do have them!), and contribute to the overall impact of the our church.
This vision is bigger than just us.
We are desperate to experience a movement of Jesus in our community in this life. As we find and follow Christ, we want to help others find and follow Christ as well.
We envision the day where Embrace Church is known not just for where it gathers, but as communities of people helping people find and follow Christ in schools, neighborhoods, workplaces, restaurants, gyms... wherever your life takes you. We believe the kingdom of God has come. Therefore, we must Go directly to our people around us for His glory!
We genuinely believe in the accuracy, truth, authority, and power of Scripture as God's Word.
We believe in a personal and relational God who has revealed Himself as One. God exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Each distinctly different but together forming One nature.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who was born of a virgin, lived in human form, sacrificed Himself for the sins of the world, was buried, rose again, and ascended to the Father, as Scripture says.
We believe that life on earth is meant to be lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells within believers, empowering them to live unique lives in the life and power of Christ, spreading the name and glory of the heavenly Father to the whole earth.
We believe that Jesus’ death was the ultimate and perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people. Salvation is received through grace by having faith in Jesus Christ. Anyone who repents of their sins and accepts Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord is born again into eternal life as an adopted and beloved child of God.
We believe that those who have put their trust in Christ are united together in one Body, the Church. It is a unique community of faith found in local groups, impacting culture with the hope and love of God.
We are a community built on love and devotion to God, seeking a close and personal relationship with Him. Knowing God is the greatest treasure for our souls.
In worship, it is important that our entire existence, in every situation, reflects God's glory through our words and actions. This goes beyond just outward practices; it is about a life rooted in the understanding of the all encompassing presence of God.
The global Body of Christ works best in local communities of believers. This is why we aim to establish church(es) that spread His name, empower people to impact and restore their communities with the hope of Jesus. Our goal is for everyone to experience the healing power and grace of Jesus.