Mark your calendar for Monday, February 10th, at 6:00 PM as we come together for a special evening of reflection, celebration, and anticipation.

If you consider Embrace your home and you are committed to living out the values of Embrace…

  • Gather Differently - Coming together as a community to worship and support one another

    • Committed to inviting others in

    • Attending church unless you are sick or out of town

    • Championing the initiatives of our church with our prayers and our presence

  • Grow Intentionally - Taking ownership and initiative when it comes to our faith and growing in our relationship with Jesus

    • Involved in groups (large and/or small)

    • Involved in serving

    • Giving

  • Go Directly - Actively and intentionality living out our faith within the daily routines of our daily lives

    • Finding a place in your current routine of life to become a mission field - a place to invest and influence with the hope of an opportunity to share the love of Jesus and invite them to discover the freedom you have found in Jesus

Here’s what to look forward to on the 10th.

  • Celebrate the fall: We’ll reflect on all God has done in and through Embrace over the past few months

  • Look ahead to the spring and the summer: It’s time to get excited about what’s on the horizon as we prepare for a new season of ministry

  • Snacks and connection: Spend time building relationships with others from our teams

This gathering is for Partners, the heartbeat of Embrace Church. It’s a time to unify and refocus as we continue to help reach people for Jesus.

We can’t wait to see you there!

What Does It Mean to Be a Partner at Embrace Church?

If you've been around church for any length of time, you've likely heard the term "member." At Embrace, we like to take a different approach. Instead of "members," we invite you to become Partners.

A Partner is someone who follows Jesus and fully embraces the mission and vision of Embrace Church. Partners are committed to:

  • Living out our values and what Embrace is all about

  • Inviting others to experience church and grow in their faith

  • Giving back a portion of their resources to God

  • Serving others by using their time and talents to advance His Kingdom

If you’ve already committed to being a Partner in the past—thank you! Twice each year, we ask our Partners to recommit to this journey with us. It’s a chance to reaffirm what it means to Gather differently, Grow intentionally, and Go Directly.

This is where you’ll learn what it means to Partner with us and how you can be part of the incredible work God is doing in and through Embrace.